I’m trying to speak the language of my eyes is a video-poem, an exploration and reflection on the sense of vision as a tool to understand signifiers - but also and more importantly, as means through which we can interpret something by feeling it on an intuitive level. Stripped of their original context, and deprived of words or sounds, mixed-media imaginary is collaged in non-linear format of storytelling. By forming different constellations of images, meaning is left open.
The work was commissioned by Amare for their Vertical Video 3-month exhibition. Artists were invited to experiment on a vertical screen: shaping a visual composition that is able to tell a story to visitors who pass by in just a short period of time.
I’m trying to speak
the language of my eyes
my eyes don’t use sentences
and they don’t know words
my eyes pick bit by bit
glean the details
connect dot to dot
to knot the code
my eyes are silent
but I’m trying to feel what they touch
as they perceive the light
gliding on surfaces
tracing contours
mapping shapes
finding the openings in the shadow
i’m trying to make sense
of a language i don’t yet speak
like an infant or a foreigner
i just trust
what i feel
when i see
my eyes are the portal to the world
December 2023 - January 2024
Amare, The Hague, NL
I’m trying to speak the language of my eyes